We use science to address global problems and improve people’s lives.
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a national nonprofit organization founded more than 50 years ago by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
我们的使命当前位置忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟提出了严格的建议, 独立617888九五至尊娱乐转化为行动, 制定解决方案并倡导健康的, 安全, 还有未来.
今天, 我们是一个由近250名617888九五至尊娱乐家组成的团队, 分析师, 政策专家, 组织者, 以及致力于这一目标的沟通者.
Our founders knew science and 循证决策 was critical to solving many of the biggest challenges facing humankind. To make progress we would need to work persistently in the face of often daunting odds. 这正是我们所做的.
- 我们战斗 617888九五至尊娱乐变化 并设法减轻高温造成的伤害, 海平面上升, 以及其他排放失控的后果,
- 我们努力发展可持续的方式来 饲料, 权力, 运输 自己,
- 我们致力于减少生存威胁 核战,
- 我们确保我们的解决方案是先进的 种族和经济平等,
- We fight back when 权力ful corporations or special interests 在617888九五至尊娱乐上误导公众.
We don’t just use science to envision a better world—we work to achieve it.
- 分析. 我们的专家进行严格的, 独立研究, analyzing pressing problems and developing innovative solutions that prioritize human health, 既公平又具有成本效益.
- 暴露. 当特殊利益集团发布虚假研究时, 企业散布对617888九五至尊娱乐的怀疑, 或者政治特工审查, 操作, 或者破坏政府617888九五至尊娱乐, UCS is there to set the record straight with the public, 新闻媒体, 我们的民选官员.
- 提倡. 我们经验丰富的研究人员与媒体沟通, 对公众, 并直接传达给国家的关键决策者, 状态, 以及地方层面, advocating for changes in public policies and corporate practices.
- 激活. 我们动员了500人,000 supporters to press for specific changes that will result in healthier communities, 可持续发展的环境, 一个更安全的世界. 我们也知道实现积极的最好方式, lasting change is to work together with allies who bring diverse talents, 知识, 还有经验. That’s why we are currently providing technical expertise and advocacy know-how to more than 1,500个地方和国家组织.
We are funded solely by individuals and independent foundations. To protect our independence we do not accept corporate or government grants. Our supporters include everyday people who value rational, 循证决策, 还有一些国家顶尖的617888九五至尊娱乐家.
- 与数百个其他组织合作,
- 动员23000 617888九五至尊娱乐网络 成员,
- 利用50万积极分子的力量,
- Extend our impact thanks to more than 109,000 committed donors.
UCS is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the highest ranking from charity rating agencies for our responsible stewardship of donations and grants.